Thaddeus Ryan Komorowski
My Why Statement
To help young people realize their potential in life.
I intend to help young people, which are high school students in my case, realize their potential through the use of student ePortfolios. Starting with a discussion and having adults give real examples of how their own ePortfolio was beneficial will help my students understand why having an ePortfolio is essential for young people as they progress in school and as they transition into the job market will make the students realize the necessity of the ePortfolio. The design choices of how their ePortfolio will look visually will reinforce the graphic design ideas I teach and give the students a profound sense of ownership and, therefore, a desire to “make it their own.”
Start with Why
Simon Sinek ask us to start with finding of why that will help inspire others to come to realize your ideas and carry out those ideas. This is made very clear in explaining why you want someone to do something. This is inevitably the first question you get from anyone you are asking to do something. "Why do I need to know this" or "Why is this important". And those are very important questions to answer if you want to get anyone to take you and your ideas of change or doing something new or different and make it happen.
Kotter, John (2011, March 23). The heart of change. Retrieved from
Kotter, John. (2013, August 15). Leading change: establish a sense of urgency. Retrieved from
Sinek, Simon. (2013, September 29). Start with why. Retrieved from