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Contributions to My Learning & the Learning Community

Writer: Thaddeus Ryan KomorowskiThaddeus Ryan Komorowski

EDLD5313 - 85/100

online learning

In EDLD5313 I was able to take what I planned out in previous courses and start planning out actual lessons to help make my innovation plan a reality.

Getting Started...

I had a slow start in this course due to having to focus on the industry-based certifications happening at my current teaching position. Reading A New Culture of learning by Brown & Thomas gave me the framework I needed to create Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic learning (COVA) a reality in my instruction. This started with defining what this new culture of learning would look like. Next I had to redefine my own learning philosophy and what that means to my students and me as a facilitator of learning that is always striving to develop more authentic learning experiences. In my current teaching position, teaching graphic design at a career and technology center, this is a central and daily question we must ask to equip my students for a career in industry. I even teach a practicum level class solely about getting my students' work-based learning experience with a local design company. If the students are not able to find a word-based learning company to work with I then have to simulate what it would be like in my class.

During the Aligning Outcomes, Assessments & Activities assignment, I was able to plan out how the individual projects fit together, like puzzle pieces, to make the Big Harry Audacious Goal (BHAG) in my innovation plan a reality. Then the Understanding by Design assignment reinforced the idea of starting with my innovation plan in mind and creating activities, projects, and assignments to make it possible to reach that BHAG.


In EDLD5313, Creating Significant Learning Environment, the course's foundation is built around creating a New Culture of Learning and a Learning Philosophy to implement the desired outcome of my innovation plan with my students. With that implementation, we also reflected on what we found important in our learning journey, created an Aligning Outcomes, Assessments & Activities plan and Understanding by Design (UbD) template for how all the pieces of the individual project or pieces were fit together. the able to share some of that knowledge with other individuals in our field or with similar interests through the Professional Learning Networks we joined. Towards the end of the course, we worked on creating our own ePortfolios, which will continue to grow and evolve throughout this program.



Reflecting on these past eight weeks, I gave each assignment and discussion my best effort, was open and receptive to feedback, was comfortable with making mistakes, and made revisions according to Mrs. Grogan’s feedback. The growth mindset revision made me aware of the mentality I must have throughout this program and use any setbacks as a learning experience. The Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic Learning (COVA) approach equipped me with the tools to accomplish some of the ideas that I saw as an obstacle in my last few years as a high school teacher. As I move through the program, I will work to incorporate many of the ideas brought to my attention and strive to become a more effective educator. I am excited to see what is ahead in the next set of classes and how each class comes together to connect everything in this program!


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